What's in the Stars today, June 20?

Moon in Scorpio

Today you can look for the secret combination that opens the door to your financial and love wishes since the Moon in Scorpio is linked to both money and sex.

Blood red is connected to Scorpio, so today cherries, sour cherries, red grapes and plums or prunes are recommended. For main course you can have aubergines roasted, baked with tomato sauce, stuffed with mince or any way you prefer them.

Mercury conjunct Venus in Cancer

Home-birds! Tomorrow's Mercury – Venus conjunction in the sign that is ruled by the Moon is ideal if you want to communicate with family, to enjoy intellectual work at home and to make your house a happy gathering place for those close to you. Pleasant activities for small children are also favoured while flirtation and romantic trips to the beach are also encouraged.

Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer of the second decan are the stars of the day and you will surrender yourself to passionate embraces. Also, those born at the end of the second and the beginning of the third decans will come up with beautiful plans both for your home and love life.

Have a beautiful day and take the opportunity to enjoy every moment of love with passion.

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