What's in the Stars today, September 12?

With the Moon in Sagittarius everything that expands the mind and broadens your horizons is favoured today

Moon in Sagittarius

Open your books! With the Moon in Jupiter's home everything that expands the mind and broadens your horizons is favoured today. School activities, course enrolment, tuition and everything that has to do with information, education and learning can thrive.

Foreign affairs! The sign of Sagittarius is linked to foreign countries and in one way or the other you may be interested in another country, foreign languages, world news, imported goods, tourists or people who work in embassies, airports and custom houses.

Moon square Sun

How to fit everything on the agenda? At about ten past eight in the evening, the extrovert and positive Moon in Sagittarius forms a square with the Sun who is in the methodical and practical sign of Virgo. Your desire to go out or occupy yourself with light-hearted matters may stumble due to domestic chores. The same goes for any activities that have to do with sport, learning or pleasure: they may face difficulties due to a full schedule.

Sagittarius, Leo, Aries and Gemini, Aquarius, Libra of the second decan are lucky today and will have the opportunity to achieve something hands down.

Have a beautiful day and remember that when you're better informed, you act wiser.

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