What's in the Stars today, September 14?

The beautiful aspect of Venus in Scorpio with Neptune combines passion with romance and as a result, love is in the air.

What's in the Stars today, September 14?

Moon in Capricorn

Rise to the occasion! With the Moon in Saturn's home you tend to be responsible and respectful while it's very likely that you'll find yourself in places where presidents, mayors, bishops or elderly people are.

Venus trine Neptune

The magic of love! This beautiful aspect of Venus in Scorpio with Neptune combines passion with romance and as a result, love is in the air. Logic takes a back seat and everything depends on the chemistry between the two interested parties. Purchases, gifts, feasts and fun are favoured.

Mercury square Pluto

Secrets! With Mercury in Libra - the sign that represents relationships and partnerships - forming a square with mysterious Pluto, secret meetings, secret trips, obsessions, jealousy, and tension are possible while you may have to make radical decisions. Thorough research and studies that involve hidden or unknown truths are favoured.

Mars trine Uranus

In a unique way! With Mars in Leo forming a trine with Uranus, originality and speed are favoured. Love at first sight is very possible so ... be prepared for those butterflies in the stomach. Alternative, group or unusual activities are favoured, in particular, those that have to do with hobbies, free time or those which follow a 'new recipe.'

Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus of the second decan are favoured today. You will enhance the possibilities to achieve your goals taking full responsibility of your actions, instead of blaming fate.

Have a wonderful Saturday and make responsible choices, taking into consideration their consequences.

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