What's in the Stars today, September 19?
The Full Moon in Pisces inspires you to take a break from the practical and mundane and to get in touch with your feelings

Full Moon in Pisces
Over the Moon! The Full Moon in the water sign of Pisces inspires you to take a break from the practical and mundane and to get in touch with your feelings, to express your intuition, to let your imagination run free and to fill your day with relaxation, music, art, love, pray or meditation.
Moon in Aries
From relaxation to action! Just before eight in the evening the Moon enters Aries and there is a strong desire for movement, action and anything that gives you an adrenalin rush.
Venus sextile Pluto
Strong bonds! The favourable aspect between Venus – Pluto inspires fatal attractions and relationships characterised by overwhelming passion, strong sexual attraction and mystery. The aspect is also ideal if you want to strengthen a bond and also to make substantial changes in your life through a relationship, a partnership or a financial opportunity.
Mercury square Jupiter
Just for fun! Under the influence of tomorrow's square of Mercury and Jupiter there is a tendency for contacts and discussions for no particular reason, just for fun. Ideas about decoration, style, art and good taste may be tinted with wit or extravagance.
Scorpio, Pisces and Virgo, Sagittarius born at the end of the first decan are lucky today: through a very important relationship your life will change course for the better.
Have a beautiful day, dream and get in touch with your inner source of love!