What's in the Stars today, September 28?
The Moon Jupiter conjunction favours the fun activities, spending time with family, births, customs related to traditions and history, visits to friends and home tuition.

Moon in Cancer
I'm with you! The Moon finds itself in the sentimental and caring sign of Cancer and you want to treat people, offer hospitality, look after them, offer a shoulder to cry on and to take every opportunity to show that you are a loving, understanding person.
The aspects of the Moon conjunct Jupiter
Just before eleven o'clock in the morning the Moon conjuncts Jupiter and the conditions are right for fun activities, spending time with family, births, customs related to traditions and history, visits to friends and home tuition. Just after two in the afternoon, another favourable aspect brings joy to the day and creates the right conditions for decorations, romantic meetings and anything that appeals to your sense of beauty, family warmth and art.
Venus square Mars
A little tension can spice up a relationship! The Venus – Mars square reaches its peak today and therefore a passionate night might follow a bitter argument. You may rush into a new relationship. Be prudent with activities that may make you waste money ignoring financial commitments for the sake of pleasure.
Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus born at the end of the second decan are mostly influenced.
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces born at the end of the second decan and the first half of the third decan are lucky today: you'll experience beautiful happy moments.
Have a wonderful Saturday full of kisses, hugs and happy moments!