What's in the Stars today, September 30?

Early in the morning the Moon in Leo meets Uranus and the conditions are favourable for meetings with friends, logging on social networks and group activities.

What's in the Stars today, September 30?

Moon in Leo

Sunshine in your heart! The week begins with positive energy and a creative mood. You will put your heart in whatever it is that you do as you are full of joy and optimism.

Yellow and orange are a must today. Enjoy a breakfast of wheat rusks, apricot jam and oranges. When it comes to outfits, anything glittery or anything golden or burnt orange will catch your eye.

Moon trine Uranus

My friends and I! Early in the morning the Moon in Leo meets Uranus and the conditions are favourable for meetings with friends, logging on social networks and group activities. Followers, friends and acquaintances will support you or will just "like" something you love or has your personal touch.

Leo, Aries, Sagittarius of the second decan are favoured today and will succeed in anything they do.

Have a good week and let the rays of love warm up your heart!

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