What's in the Stars today, October 1?

Under the influence of tomorrow's trine of Mercury and Neptune, you'll be magnificently inspired and your creativity will be admired. This aspect is ideal for ingenious solutions

What's in the Stars today, October 1?

Moon in Leo

Have a good month! October is the heart of autumn and with the Moon in positive and majestic Leo you are inclined to look for gaiety and the bright side of things. The celebrations of the month are part of this and you will welcome them.

Moon in Virgo

I might as well do it now! Just before ten at night the Moon enters the practical sign of Virgo stressing the need to take care of things in advance.
Mercury trine Neptune.

Mercury trine Neptune

Brilliantly done! Under the influence of tomorrow's trine of Mercury and Neptune, you'll be magnificently inspired and your creativity will be admired. This aspect is ideal for ingenious solutions to financial matters, romantic trips, maybe by the sea, and anything that brings you peace of mind.

Sun square Pluto

Watchdog! Influenced by tomorrow's Sun – Pluto square, some people will become strict, oppressive and control freaks. In addition, there is a tendency to protect your personal life, your sex life in particular, and this secrecy will intensify the mystery that surrounds it.
Libra, Aries, Capricorn, Cancer of the end of the first decan are mostly influenced.

Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer of the first days are lucky today: you will experience a small miracle through travelling, discussions and contacts.

Have a good month with health, love and happy moments!

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