What's in the Stars today, October 2?

Under the influence of tomorrow's Sun – Uranus opposition there may be some conflicts, or some truths will be revealed

What's in the Stars today, October 2?

Moon in Virgo

As simple as it gets! With the Moon in the practical sign of Virgo the conditions are favourable for matters related to employment, diet and health. Nothing complicated, complex or obscure is favoured today. Your first choice will be order, organisation, the acquisition of knowledge, anything that saves time, and anything that can make your life simpler.

Sun square Pluto

Under pressure! These days the atmosphere is rather tense and people are not in the best of moods. Some people will arbitrarily demand that their wishes be fulfilled ignoring previous decisions, agreements, rules or vows of love. Be calm and show restraint.

Sun opposite Uranus

I can't believe it! Under the influence of tomorrow's Sun – Uranus opposition that takes place in the Cardinal Cross there is the seeds of change. There may be some conflicts, or some truths may be revealed. At the same time you'll be in awe due to admiration or puzzlement.

Libra, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn at the end of the first decan are mostly influenced.

Favoured today are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn born within the first and the beginning of the second decan: you will fell rewarded doing something right.

Have a beautiful day watching but not judging, doing your best but without complaining!

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