What's in the Stars today, October 5?

The New Moon in Libra provides the trigger for new relationships, partnerships, marriages and all kinds of unions while it suggests a more spiritual approach of situations.

What's in the Stars today, October 5?

New Moon in Libra

Let's join forces! The water element prevails in the astrological map and the New Moon in the air sign of Libra at about half past three in the morning provides the trigger for new relationships, partnerships, marriages and all kinds of unions while it suggests a more spiritual approach of situations. New beginnings linked to beauty, decoration, art and love will be fortunate.

Moon square Jupiter

Stylistic extravagance! Late in the afternoon the Moon – Jupiter square indicates that you may feel the need to overdo it stylistically in order to gain approval or acceptance at a meeting or a date. Avoid loud make-up and elaborate hairdos or anything too much for the occasion.

Saturn in Scorpio

The time of judgement is linked to both Libra and Saturn who is in exaltation in Venus's house. Its presence in the fixed water sign of Scorpio until September 2015 signifies the need to become aware of good and evil when it comes to sex, libido and financial matters (taxes, loans, credit, insurance, benefits, pensions, inheritance, and savings).

Favoured today are Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius of the second decan: you're lucky with contracts and partnerships, also with companionship and sociability.

A relationship could turn into the beginning of something beautiful and happy in your life!

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