What's in the Stars today, October 17?

The position of the Moon in Aries is ideal if you want to start something new or take up a new hobby. Activities that require energy and physical effort are particularly favoured

What's in the Stars today, October 17?

Sun in Libra – Moon in Aries

With the Sun in the air sign of Libra for five more days, social activities are in the forefront as well as advice from attorneys and other specialists. The position of the Moon in cardinal Aries is ideal if you want to start something new or take up a new hobby. Activities that require energy and physical effort are particularly favoured, from doing some DIY, to having sex or going jogging.

Things you may find useful today: a thermometer or some fever medication; thread and needle to sew something; towels to grab something hot or to dry your sweat.

Venus trine Uranus

Godsend! The favourable aspect between Venus and Uranus indicates that things can happen out of the blue: you can fall in love, start a relationship or make an important acquaintance. Having a good time with friends, e-shopping and collective agreements are favoured. You may find an unexpected solution to a financial matter through legal advice.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius of the first decan are lucky today. It's a good day to start something new, attend an inauguration ceremony or flirt in a sports venue.

Have a day full of energy and do things that excite you!

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