What's in the Stars today, October 18?

Today, a premiere, a bold move, a promotion, the beginning of a match, or a first kiss are some of the things that can make you restless

Moon in Aries

My desires! It's the eve of a lunar eclipse in Aries and you really want to do something for yourself. At the same time, the desire for action and your enthusiasm about something new may make you impatient and reckless. A premiere, a bold move, a promotion, the beginning of a match, or a first kiss are some of the things that can make you restless.

Be careful with sharp objects, fast or aggressive driving, arguments and tensions.

Sun in Libra

Don't think only of yourself! Today the Sun pushes for contacts and good-fellowship, so you will have to find a way to balance the pressing desires of your ego and those of the group, which seem to be and are probably going in the right direction.

Favoured today are Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo born within the second half of the second decan and the first half of the third. The day lends itself to intimate contact, success in a preliminary test or fun in a new venue.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the first experience of something new!

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