What's in the Stars today, October 27?

With the Moon-Uranus trine, the time is right to have a good time with friends, to organise a pleasant event, to take part in a group prize award or to play a team sport…

What's in the Stars today, October 27?

Moon in Leo

Beautiful things! It's the last Sunday of the month and the clocks go back an hour for winter. It gets dark sooner and today you get an extra hour in bed. The Moon is in the positive sign of Leo and the day is full of pleasant events rich in festivities, and entertaining, artistic or sports events for children and adults alike.

Moon trine Uranus

Me, my friends and I! At about half past two in the afternoon the Moon meets Uranus, the planet of rejuvenation and friendship. The time is right to have a good time with friends, to organise a pleasant event, to take part in a group prize award, to play a team sport, or to upload in the social media something you like or you are proud of.

Moon square Saturn

Time flies! Just before half past nine at night the Moon forms a square with restrictive Saturn. There could be delays at a party or a happy event or equally possibly a joyful or romantic moment may have to end sooner than you'd like due to a commitment.

Leo, Aries, Sagittarius and Aquarius, Libra, Gemini born within the second half of the first decan and the first half of the first decan. Hobbies, children, entertainment and romance can brighten up your day.

Have a glorious Sunday full of beautiful special moments.

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