What's in the Stars today, November 3?

With the New moon and Solar eclipse in Scorpio, your passion for something can trigger a new beginning.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

Passion becomes the trigger! The hot astrological event of the day is the New Moon Solar eclipse in Scorpio that takes place at about ten to two in the afternoon at 11 degrees. While certain things have to change and situations turn out to be rotten, your passion for something can trigger a new beginning.

Sun sextile Mars

Direct and dynamic! The Sun – Mars aspect is positive for a new beginning, a dynamic initiative or for asserting yourself. Research, analysis, criminology and metaphysics are fields to be explored. Matters linked to money, secret affairs, love and sex are also favoured.

Aspects of the Moon

With the Moon – Mercury conjunction early in the morning, you can make phone calls, read something or meet up with siblings and cousins to discuss an open case or something that troubles you deeply. Just before noon, the Moon – Pluto sextile helps you to hide something or share something important with a woman. Early in the evening the Moon – Saturn conjunction foretells delays and obsessions.

Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces of the second decan are lucky today, especially regarding a match, a confession or a secret affair.

You can all enjoy a positive Sunday if you know what you want and go after it.

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