What's in the Stars today, November 12?
With the Sun – Jupiter trine, you may go on a journey, enjoy somebody's favours, be successful in a business matter or settle a financial issue

Moon in Pisces
Powerful intuition! Today you are extremely intuitive and identify more with people's problems. You are aware of things other people cannot perceive, and you are drawn to spiritual interests. At times you may be overly sensitive and suffer form emotional exhaustion.
Things you can use today: foundation cream, a camera, a hypoallergenic pillow, a dehumidifier, anti-frizz hair products.
Sun trine Jupiter
Luck and optimism! The positive aspect between the Sun and Jupiter creates the right mood to pursue religious or spiritual interests, and favours matters related to the law, large spaces, mentors and inner quests. You may go on a journey, enjoy somebody's favours, be successful in a business matter or settle a financial issue.
Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer of the second decan are lucky today. Play a musical instrument, have a foot bath, go for a wet look, go out for a drink.
Have a beautiful day and remember that following your imagination is a very sweet feeling regardless of age.