What's in the Stars today, November 13?
With the Moon in the dynamic sign of Aries, you may flirt shamelessly, and be bold, sharp, curt or blunt.

Moon in Aries
Time to take action! A dynamic Moon full of energy makes an entrance to the planetary stage at about half past nine in the morning: a Moon in Aries. You feel the urge to move, make new beginnings and take immediate, fast and focused action.
You may open your mouth and say something without thinking, flirt shamelessly, and be bold, sharp, curt or blunt.
Inflammations, chafing, irritation, red patches, rashes, hot flushes and migraines are possible today while haste can cause cuts, burns and falls.
Neptune direct
Today Neptune, the planet linked to art, religion, psychology, the inner psyche and volunteering, turns direct. Practically, this means that you can now deal with matters related to all the above, which you had put on hold for some reason.
Aries, Sagittarius, Leo of the first decan are favoured today. You may have your hair cut short, put on something red, treat blemishes on your complexion or do something to burn calories.
Have a wonderful day and show enthusiasm for things that take you forward.