What's in the Stars today, November 22?

The presence of the Moon in introvert Cancer indicates the tendency to hold things back

Moon in Cancer

Sentimentalism! The presence of the Moon in introvert Cancer indicates the tendency to hold things back and to react emotionally rather that rationally or calmly. Your attention is drawn to matters that have to do with your house, your family and your home country.

The sign of Cancer is linked to food and its water element to anything liquid. So, prepare a marinade, soak your laundry, eat something juicy, make some soup.

Sun in Sagittarius

Full of joy! From today until December 21, the Sun will be in the house of Jupiter and your optimism gauge will hit red. Travelling and meeting new people will make your life more interesting while discipline, commitment and focus won’t be your strongest points.

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, and Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus of the third decan are favoured today. Have friends over, watch a classic film, go to a restaurant with traditional dishes or music, see people from your past.

Have a pleasant day doing things that please your soul.

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