What's in the Stars today, November 24?
Today you may feel disappointed - you need to be cautious with business and love matters

Moon in Leo
Seize the day! With the Moon in the positive and cheerful sign of Leo you can get involved in things that make you feel happier, more confident and more successful. The atmosphere is perfect for creativity, joy, fun and love.
Gold is the colour linked to the sign of Leo and most likely you'll prepare pancakes, breaded meat or fish, honey and nuts or you may wear something glittery or put up golden decorations.
Sun square Neptune
Exhausted! This Sun-Neptune aspect shows a lack of stamina, exhaustion and sluggishness while you need to be cautious with business and love matters as there is a possibility for errors. You may feel disappointed or resentful but you also tend to either overestimate or underestimate circumstances. Your attention may be needed regarding a person with substance abuse issues, or a seaman, a priest or an artist.
Leo, Aries, Sagittarius of the second decan are favoured. Enjoy love or your favourite pastime, watch a match or a contest, or celebrate something.
Have a beautiful, happy and bright Sunday seizing every moment.