What's in the Stars today, November 27?

Moon conjuncts Mars in the sign of Virgo triggering an interest in matters related to diet, health, work and daily life

Moon in Virgo

Don't neglect yourself! The pace of life can be demanding and the engagements of the day may stress or wear you out. Your mind works overtime and you tend to analyse situations. Your fixation and preoccupation with negative details can stress you out while a physical complaint could be an indication that you need to look after yourself both on a physical and psychological level.

Moon conjunct Mars

Good job! At about quarter to two in the afternoon the Moon conjuncts Mars. Both bodies are in the sign of Virgo triggering an interest in matters related to diet, health, work and daily life. You can take the initiative in any of these sectors and feel confident about it. You may create something good or achieve great results, however, as the sign of Virgo is linked to criticism and tension, there could be comments that may agitate or challenge you to become even better. It's up to you.

Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn of the third decan are lucky today. Look ahead, settle unfinished business, get in touch with your subordinates at work, have a healthy meal, have an object mended, work out.

Have a special day and remember that a cheerful attitude is good for you!

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