What's in the Stars today, November 29?

Today, the focus is on relationships, partnerships, clients, competitors, enemies or claimants.

What's in the Stars today, November 29?

Moon in Libra

Do we have a deal? Today you may seek someone's approval, sign a contract or an agreement, find out about common law legislation or claim your part of a deal. The focus is on relationships, partnerships, clients, competitors, enemies or claimants.

Get some beauty tips, pamper yourself, look after your nails, your skin and your hair, or maybe look into cosmetic surgery. Other matters of interest today are romantic stories, wedding ideas, the arts, decoration and fashion.

Sun trine Uranus

A day full of surprises! Under the influence of tomorrow's aspect between the Sun and Uranus you may take part in team activities, show an interest in bizarre things or pastimes, meet unique, unusual people while unforeseen happy events will change your daily agenda.
Mostly influenced are Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, and Gemini, Libra, Aquarius born within the second half of the first decan.

Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, and Aries, Sagittarius, Leo born within the end of the second and in the third decan are favoured today. Decorate your space, choose a nice perfume, send a romantic text message, go on a date.

Have a beautiful day and enjoy your social life, love and the pleasure of reciprocity and co-operation.

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