What's in the Stars today, December 1?

Today, secret meetings, discussions and confessions are favoured while you should try not to be inflexible in your views.

Moon in Scorpio

In depth! Today, with the Moon in Scorpio, a sign that symbolizes rebirth and regeneration, you are given the opportunity to occupy yourself with things that invigorate you spiritually. Your mind is penetrating and you analyse yours and other people's feelings in depth. Secret meetings, discussions and confessions are favoured while you should try not to be inflexible in your views.

The aspects of the Moon

At about twenty past eleven in the morning the Moon forms a conjunction with Saturn and you want to deal with something that takes a lot of fervour or you want to hide something. Delays and maybe some awkwardness or uneasiness in contacts are bound to take place. Things get better after quarter past three in the afternoon when the Moon trines Jupiter and the air is favourable for whatever you want to do. Finally, the sextile of the Moon with Venus in the evening is ideal for love affairs, social contacts, pleasant activities and fun.

Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer of the second half of the first decan and the first half of the second decan are favoured today. The day favours anything invisible, sarcasm, strong emotions as well as tracing your partner's erogenous zones.

Use your instinct, follow your heart and dig deep to find the hidden truths of life and your part in it. Have a good month and a good Sunday!

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