What's in the Stars today, December 2?

Today, be extra careful with your communication and don't trust people you don't know that well.

What's in the Stars today, December 2?

Moon in Sagittarius

A sense of humour! The week begins with the Moon in the sign of optimism urging you to see the funny side of things and to strive to move on despite the difficulties. Transport, information, education or people who live far away or abroad are matters that you focus on.

The aspects of the Moon

Just before one in the afternoon the Moon forms a square with Neptune and there is a tendency for mistakes, misunderstandings and misconceptions. Be extra careful with your communication and don't trust people you don't know that well. Later at night the Moon meets Uranus and you should spend your evening doing something unusual, watch something with friends, go out and meet new people. Also, get involved in social media networks.

Sagittarius, Aries, Leo of the second decan are lucky today. Book your tickets for a trip to a foreign country, meet goodhearted and generous people, or choose foodstuffs that are good for your liver, such as green tea, garlic, apples, grapefruit, beetroot, carrots, avocado and walnuts.

Have a great week focusing on the good energy wherever you can find it or creating it whenever possible.

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