What's in the Stars today, December 3?

With the optimistic New Moon in Sagittarius, there is a feeling in the air that things are getting better and something good is on the way

What's in the Stars today, December 3?

New Moon in Sagittarius

An optimistic Moon! Early in the morning there is a New Moon in the sign that is represented by Jupiter, the Santa Claus of the zodiac. A feeling that things are getting better and that something good is on the way is in the air. The mood is cheerful and happy and it's a good time to make a new beginning, especially if it's related to education, foreign countries and travelling.
You may buy a gift, book a ticket, get in touch with someone who lives abroad, go out or watch a match with a foreign team.

Mercury sextile Mars

Hit the nail on the head! Today your ideas regarding a work issue can prove very constructive, business discussions can bear fruit and with the help of a friend or an acquaintance you could achieve something at work. Flirting, romance and sporty energetic activities are favoured.

Sagittarius, Aries, Leo of the second half of the first decan and the first half of the third decan are favoured. Practical jokes, contacts with in-laws, long-distance relationships and contacts with a teacher or a lawyer will go well.

Have a happy day and remember that whatever thoughts you send to the universe, this is what you receive in return.

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