What's in the Stars today, December 5?

Under the influence of tomorrow's square with Mercury and Neptune there will be confusion in communications that could cause mistakes and complications.

What's in the Stars today, December 5?

Moon in Capricorn

Freezing cold! The Moon moves through Capricorn and all you want is to keep your house warm and protect yourself from colds. You may tell or hear a bad joke, come in touch with older people, choose dark colours or cook some meat on the bone.

Mercury in Sagittarius

Chit chat! With Mercury in Sagittarius until 24th December you want to expand your knowledge, to chat, to get in touch with people who live abroad, in-laws, priests or attorneys. You may take part in lectures, educational activities or you may be concerned about sports. A trip to a foreign country is possible.

Mercury square Neptune

Come again? Under the influence of tomorrow's square with Mercury and Neptune there will be confusion in communications that could cause mistakes and complications. There could be false promises, mistakes with transport, misunderstandings and misconceptions.

Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus of the second half of the second decan and the first half of the third decan are lucky today. It's a good day to look after your teeth, get in touch with a dark-haired person, do something formal.

Have a special day and remember that a life without a goal is a ship without a rudder.

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