What's in the Stars today, December 10?

After three in the afternoon, with the Moon in dynamic Aries, you leave behind your tendency for escapism and you want to act, make a new beginning and dynamic moves.

What's in the Stars today, December 10?

Moon in Pisces

Dreamlike! The day begins with the Moon in Pisces and your perception of some things may be somewhat vague. On the one hand you tend to idealize people and situations and you may take or give a piece of inaccurate information while on the other, you may discuss, experience or imagine something you desire. You will use or hear expressions such as "like a dream", "fantastic", "wonderful", "there is chemistry" but also "ingenious", "mental case", "taken for a ride" and "get well soon".

Moon in Aries

From flight to fight! At about three in the afternoon, the Moon leaves the sign of Pisces and enters dynamic Aries. You leave behind your tendency for escapism, avoidance and relaxation and you want to act, make a new beginning and dynamic moves.

Mercury trine Uranus

Mental alertness! It's a great day for intellectual, technological and communal interests with your intuition at its peak and your antennae finely tuned. Unforeseen developments, new faces, sudden movements and unexpected news can make your day exciting.

Pisces, Scorpio, cancer of the last days are favoured today. Listen to your intuition, seek somebody's assistance, indulge in daydreaming and be aware of idealizations. Aries, Sagittarius and Leo of the first days are also favoured. Later in the day gather momentum and do the things you like.

Have a great day and remember that sometimes it takes effort to fulfil your dreams.


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