What's in the Stars today, December 11?

With the Moon in Aries, you can launch something, take the first steps, work on the foundations of a project, or make an announcement. In general, make a new beginning.

What's in the Stars today, December 11?

Moon in Aries

Ready, steady, go! With the Moon in Aries, speed and above all directness characterise the day. Because of the explosive energy and haste that are in the air, it's not a very good day to finish or complete something. On the contrary, you can launch something, take the first steps, work on the foundations of a project, or make an announcement. In general, make a new beginning.

The Moon's aspects

Early in the morning the Moon forms a trine with Mercury and favours early movements, new discussions, preparatory stages, draft plans and public relations, meeting new people as well as booking tickets, sending messages or finding information. At about twenty past ten in the morning the Moon forms a square with Pluto and you may experience embarrassment, pressure or stress while you tend to conceal something but also fight with all your might.

Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, and Libra, Gemini, Aquarius of the second decan are lucky today. You could make a new beginning or fight for something or somebody.

Have a beautiful day and remember that success needs a combination of talent, luck and spirit.

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