What's in the Stars today, December 15?
Moon squares Neptune and you should avoid unpleasant contacts, difficult choices or philandering that can get you into trouble.

Moon in Gemini
Ring! Ring! With the Moon in communicative Gemini, your day is inundated with news, messages, information and plans for the holidays. At the same time a lot of speeches, lectures, outings and pleasant trips take place. You're in a good mood and you are keen to go out and have fun.
Moon square Neptune
Communication trick! The Moon forms a square with Neptune at twenty past two in the afternoon and you find it difficult to tell who's genuine and who's a fraud. Somebody may tell lie after lie or say something and mean the opposite. Avoid unpleasant contacts, difficult choices or philandering that can get you into trouble, as well as big crowds if you don't like them. Make sure you don't catch a cold.
Moon trine Mars
Assertive! At half past four in the afternoon the Moon meets Mars and it's a good time to take a relationship a step further, to be assertive or encouraging, to show quick reflexes and turn words into actions.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius of the first decan are lucky. Have a manicure, a massage or something fast, go for a walk, go out and even if you stay in, enjoy some good company, have a laugh and get rid of boredom.
Have a happy Sunday and say "yes" to a wonderful idea or to a nice walk.