What's in the Stars today, December 18?

Married or single, today (with Moon in Cancer) you focus on family, parents, grandparents and relatives. Create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and retro fun.

Moon in Cancer

Christmas is around the corner! The countdown for the celebrations that bring the family together has begun. The Carols, the aroma of the season make you reminisce about the warmth and love around the festive dinner and make you feel closer to your origins and background.

Married or single, today you focus on family, parents, grandparents and other relatives. You want to look after your house, to prepare snacks and desserts for the celebrations, to make use of old objects and to create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and retro fun.

The Moon's aspects

At half past one in the afternoon, when the Moon forms an aspect with Uranus, there could be agitation and turmoil, while in the evening with the Moon in opposition with Pluto there could be pressure for things to happen in a specific way. Just ignore them and carry on with your day.

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces of the first decan are favoured today. You're lucky in love and in your contacts with women, children and people from the past.

Have a wonderful day, remember the good old days and that the power of love remains the same over time.

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