What's in the Stars today, February 18?
When it comes to romance, the part of you that wants to always be right could prove to be an enemy in your relationship

Sun in Pisces
The most significant astrological event of the day is the entrance of the Sun in Pisces where it will remain until March 21. During this period, a number of romantic events will take place and situations that bring dreaming and spirituality to your life. Celebrations around alcohol, performances and carnivals are favoured. Be aware though of people who may put on the mask of love only to hide their dishonest intentions.
Moon in Libra
The sign of Libra is linked to relationships and partnerships on the one hand and justice and rights on the other. The fact that throughout the day it forms only negative aspects indicates that your efforts to fight for justice may encounter arguments and confrontations with, in some cases, legal repercussions. Your attention may be drawn to questions of procedure.
When it comes to romance, the part of you that wants to always be right could prove to be an enemy in your relationship. Leave hostility aside, embrace your differences and put your mind and spirit to work for the good of the both of you. You will see that love can win this battle as well.
Mercury square Saturn
Under the influence of tomorrow's square between Mercury and Saturn you may have to go over some things, meet some people again whose attitude is not what you wanted, while it is possible that there will be challenges or obstacles. In your personal contacts, remember that it's not so important to agree with the other person, but to be able to appreciate their thoughts and feelings.
Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, and Aries, Sagittarius, Leo born within the first decan and the first half of the second decan are lucky today.
Have a wonderful Tuesday and instead of acting impulsively, be smart and bear the message of love.