What's in the Stars today, March 4?
The dynamic Moon in Aries says that you should take the first step any way you can, and encourages you to take action

Moon in Aries
If you wait for the perfect time, you're never going to start anything. The dynamic Moon in Aries says that you should take the first step any way you can, and encourages you to take action, face fear boldly, make a move and take the initiative.
Moon opposite Mars and square Venus
Late in the afternoon, at about quarter to five, the Moon forms an opposition with Mars bringing tension and antagonism and favouring especially physical exercise. Later, at half past seven in the evening the Moon – Venus square creates the right conditions for social contacts and gatherings and reminds you that love triumphs when the love you feel for someone exceeds the need for them.
Moon in Taurus
Tonight, at about quarter past nine, the Moon leaves the sign of Aries and moves into Taurus creating the conditions that will allow you to relax and enjoy yourself after an intense challenging day.
Fire signs Aries, Sagittarius, Leo of the third decan are favoured today.
Have a wonderful day and remember that it's not enough knowing what to do, you've also got to take action!