What's in the Stars today, March 21?
Mercury conjunct Neptune: The planet of communication forms an aspect with the planet of deception, uncertainty and denial, and as a result, words can lure you to delusion.

Moon in Scorpio
It's already Friday and with the Moon in Scorpio it's a good time to finish up pending business and interests so that you can focus on new endeavours later today or at the weekend or some other time. Financial and romantic issues are on the agenda.
Moon in Sagittarius
At about twenty to six in the evening the Moon moves into Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter the planet of fortune and joy, and the mood is positive and cheerful. The positive aspect with the Sun that follows at about half past seven promises beautiful romantic contacts, and extrovert and adventurous interests.
Mercury conjunct Neptune
Under the influence of tomorrow's conjunction of Mercury and Neptune, you should keep in mind that it doesn't matter what someone says but what they do. This is because the planet of communication forms an aspect with the planet of deception, uncertainty and denial, and as a result, words can lure you to delusion. Untrue statements, mistaken assessments, disappearances, romantic walks and intellectual inspirations, are all possible.
Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer of the second half of the third decan are favoured during the day, and Sagittarius, Aries, Leo born in the first half of the first decan in the evening.
Have a beautiful special Friday enjoying every minute of it!