What's in the Stars today, March 22?

With the deceptive aspect between Mercury and Neptune there could be mistakes in transfers, contacts, speeches and written or verbal views...

Moon in Sagittarius

The day begins with an optimistic tone with the Moon travelling through the positive and buoyant sign of Sagittarius. You are full of energy, a positive life force flows inside you and your perspective of life and the present enables you to see the beautiful things you have or have happened to you and therefore channel your energy towards positive causes.
Sport activities, educational interests, short trips, outings, moving in open spaces and participation in cultural, religious or spiritual activities are favoured.

Mercury conjunct Neptune

The deceptive aspect between Mercury and Neptune culminates today and you should take weighty statements with a pinch of salt. There could be mistakes in transfers, contacts, speeches and written or verbal views. The positive manifestations of this aspect include activities related to drawing, copying, mimicking, poetry, writing in verse and symbolism as well as idealistic, spiritual, artistic or romantic speech.

Sagittarius, Aries, Leo born at the end of the first decan and within the second decan are favoured today.

Have a wonderful weekend with nice walks, outings and all sort of pleasant activities!

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