What's in the Stars today, March 25?
With the trine between Mercury and Jupiter, favourable messages, pleasant thoughts, positive information and happy news fill your day and point to optimism and positive prospects...

Moon in Capricorn
Today is Annunciation day and the day to honour the heroes of the 1821 Greek revolution. The presence of the Moon in Capricorn shows that celebrations will be frugal but with the required formality. It favours the observance of customs, such as the traditional meal with fried fish and garlic paste.
Mercury trine Jupiter
Under the influence of tomorrow's trine between Mercury and Jupiter, opportunities present themselves for walks, travelling, get-togethers and new contacts. Favourable messages, pleasant thoughts, positive information and happy news fill your day and point to optimism and positive prospects. When it comes to love, the favourable aspect between Mercury and Jupiter promises offers for romantic trips, dreamy walks, starting a family and anything that can tighten or create emotional bonds.
Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, and Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces of the third decan are lucky today.
Enjoy the day, remember yesterday's success and envision tomorrow's happiness.