What's in the Stars today, March 30?
The dynamic Moon in Aries is forming a square with Jupiter in Cancer, indicating that any acts of generosity or optimism are not imposed by other people but they are your personal choice

New Moon in Aries
The major astrological event of the day is the New Moon in Aries which indicates a new beginning in your life! Winter is over and spring is here not only in nature but also in your mood. Full of energy and enthusiasm you feel ready to try yourself in something new.
You are impatient, your spirit is combative and you take the initiative and make new steps putting an end to compliance, doubt and inactivity. The message of the New Moon in Aries is "Be more assertive. Life doesn't give you what you deserve but what you claim!"
Moon square Jupiter
The day ends with the dynamic Moon in Aries forming a square with Jupiter in Cancer late at night indicating that any acts of generosity or optimism are not imposed by other people but they are your personal choice. You feel that the time has come for you to do what pleases you and not what you're told. Avoid arrogance and showing off and make sure you are yourself at all times.
Aries, Sagittarius, Leo of the first decan are lucky today.
You can all have an excellent day provided you move forward in whatever you do!