What's in the Stars today, March 31?
With the Moon in Aries when it comes to romance, the need for battle, your sex drive and your desire for competition are at their zenith!

Moon in Aries
"Don't be afraid, fight bravely" is the Moon's message as she travels through Aries at the beginning of this week. The fiery dynamic energy of the placement brings enthusiasm and triggers your natural self-confidence so that you can start something or fight for something today. When it comes to romance, the need for battle, your sex drive and your desire for competition are at their zenith!
Sun square Jupiter
"Beyond measure" is what characterises the aspect between the Sun and Jupiter tomorrow and under its influence you may lose control of your actions. On the one hand, over-optimism may make you overestimate your knowledge and abilities and resort to exaggeration. On the other hand, you'll be able to take advantage of the numerous opportunities that present themselves and do your best at everything you get involved in without resorting to arrogant behaviour, flamboyant spending and unrealistic demands. The choice is yours!
Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, and Gemini, Libra, Aquarius born in the second half of the second decan and the first half of the third decan are lucky today.
You can find the necessary energy to pursue your wishes as long as you don't lose heart and be courageous!