What's in the Stars today, June 1?

Listen to your inner voice, especially today when the positive aspect the Moon forms with Jupiter helps you to see clearly what is best for you...

Moon in Cancer

Have a good month! June begins with a strong water element. You can develop, achieve success and build up resources for the future using your compassion, your imagination and your insight which enables you to not only realise your true needs and desires but also grasp ideas that can offer solutions where logic fails.

Moon conjunct Jupiter

Follow your heart! You don't have to be smart, pretty or rich to find success. Listen to your inner voice, especially today when the positive aspect the Moon forms with Jupiter helps you to see clearly what is best for you so that you can easily welcome happiness first into your soul and then into your life.

You are favoured today if you are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces or Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo born in the third decan.

Irrespective of sign, the secret for your month to begin positively, astrology.gr friend, is to stop dwelling on the negative aspects of your life or wasting your time on what things would have been like if you were brought up in a different way. Instead, listen to your inner voice about how you can plan and live a better future.

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