What's in the Stars today, June 13?

Today, you may reflect on how responsible you are about certain situations and feel the pressure to take on new duties...

What's in the Stars today, June 13?

Full Moon in Sagittarius – Moon in Capricorn

Friday 13th! The day begins with a Full Moon at 7:11. That means that there is sentimentalism in the air, especially regarding people and circumstances that have to do with foreign countries and justice or with education, information and sport venues and open air events. At 20:04 the Moon moves into Capricorn and you feel that you need self-discipline and self-respect in order to achieve your goals, small and grand.

Venus opposite Saturn

Even though it's summer, you are faced with coldness and a chill from your contacts while you shouldn't rule out sorrow and disappointment. You may reflect on how responsible you are about certain situations and feel the pressure to take on new duties. Take care of your teeth, hair, finger nails, skin or your glasses.

Mars square Pluto

Under the influence of tomorrow's square between sharp Mars and intense Pluto expect a burst of tension, passion and creativity. The way you deal with the hidden forces that come to the fore will determine whether you end up victorious or defeated in your pursuits.

You are lucky today if you are Sagittarius, Leo, Aries of the third decan or Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus of the first days.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, the main thing in order to get nearer your goals is to keep your cool at all levels.

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