What's in the Stars today, June 19?

Chaos rules these days and the only thing you can do about it is to a) keep things under control and b) stop worrying so much...

What's in the Stars today, June 19?

Moon in Pisces

Chaos rules these days and the only thing you can do about it is to a) keep things under control and b) stop worrying so much. The retrograde motion of the ruler of Pisces in combination with the waning Moon indicates that what you should do is assess the situation regarding issues that are not so clear and make decisions to put into action towards the end of the month.

Sun conjunct Mercury

Under tomorrow's conjunction between the life-giving Sun and retrograde Mercury - both in the intellectual and cheerful sign of Gemini – the day is perfect to get in touch with people you've lost touch with and whose company you enjoyed or with people that you'd like to exchange views with on matters related to the intellect, learning, sport and movement.

You are lucky today if you are a water sign – Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer – and were born in the third decan.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you can have a wonderful day if you get rid of Superman's cape and find some time for rest, reflection and whatever brings peace to your soul.

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