What's in the Stars today, June 24?

The Moon is in Taurus till the afternoon and it seems that the day begins peacefully. However it can turn really unpredictable...

What's in the Stars today, June 24?

Moon in Gemini
Time for tittle-tattle! The Moon is in Taurus till the afternoon and it seems that the day begins peacefully. However it can turn really unpredictable. Tuesday is ruled by Mars, the planet of conflict and discord, and the fact that it forms an unfavourable aspect with Uranus on the one hand and the fact that the Moon moves into Gemini in the afternoon on the other indicate that discussions, phone calls and messages heat up and things start getting wild. Be careful when you are out in the streets as everybody is a bit edgy and accidents can happen.

Mars opposite Uranus

Action and reaction! The opposition between Mars and Uranus may culminate tomorrow but it already influences you, astrology.gr friend, and you should be mindful of your reaction to unexpected circumstances. Especially when it comes to relationships and partnerships the aspect spells rifts, separations, partings and unforeseen events that bring dramatic changes. Don't resist developments even though they surprise you.
Tomorrow's unexpected and uncontrolled opposition influences you more if you are Aries, Libra, Capricorn or Cancer born in the second decan.

Luck beckons if you are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius or Aries Leo, Sagittarius and you were born in the first decan.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you can enjoy a positive day if you avoid knee-jerk reactions and keep your cool!

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