What's in the Stars today, July 5?

Today, if you want to find solutions in a love matter – but not only – you need to allow the spirit of respect to prevail.

~Moon in Libra and its aspects~

I'm a nice person but don't push your luck! With the conciliatory Moon in Libra you're well-disposed and tolerant with people but there are limits. The unfavourable aspects that the peace- and justice-loving Moon forms with dark Pluto and unpredictable Uranus indicate that secret meetings and revelations can trigger tensions. If you want to find solutions in a love matter – but not only – you need to allow the spirit of respect to prevail.

~Moon waxing~

At 14:58 the Moon begins to get bigger and therefore from today to 11th July you should deal with things you'd like to see bigger or expanded! Today the Moon is in Libra, the sign that rules artistic endeavours, so these can make your day richer and more beautiful. At the same time, things that bring progress are favoured when it comes to marriage, living-together, relationships and love!
You are lucky today if you are Libra, Aquarius, Gemini or Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and you were born at the end of the first decan or in the second decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you can enjoy a wonderful Saturday if you don't interact and communicate with people in a condescending or diplomatic way but if you are genuinely polite!

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