What's in the Stars today, July 22?

Your day will be better if you use your car and your mobile phone less, if you avoid contacts with people with a negative attitude

Waning Moon in Gemini – Moon square Neptune

Clear your mind! The transiting Moon in Gemini brings a tendency to occupy your mind with all sorts of things, some of them interesting and others meaningless. On top of that, the fact that at 09:18 the Moon meets chaotic Neptune may make you feel stressed or exhausted and you'll end up doing less that you wanted to. The Moon is waning, therefore you can reduce the excess of information, thoughts and worries that overload your nervous system.

Mercury opposite Pluto

Obsessions, prejudices and insinuations! Today you will definitely have to ignore certain things and not take them personally, although it won't always be easy. Negative criticism, biased judgement, insinuations and pressure – when are you going to settle down? – can affect your mood. Confessions, scandalous statements or contacts and declarations of love are on the agenda.

Uranus retrograde

Limitations! From today to 22nd December, Uranus, the planet that symbolises freedom, innovation, group projects, common efforts, technology, television and the Internet will be retrograde. As a result, expect problems, delays and alterations in all these fields.

You are lucky today if you are Gemini, Aquarius, Libra and you were born in the first decan or in the first half of the second. Avoid contacts that could depress you if you are Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and you were born at the end of the second decan or the beginning of the third.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, your day will be better if you use your car and your mobile phone less, if you avoid contacts with people with a negative attitude and if you get rid of memories that keep you chained to the past!

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