What's in the Stars today, August 12?

Venus enters Leo - expect glamorous love affairs, luxurious events and financial gains through entertainment

What's in the Stars today, August 12?

Moon in Pisces

It's a matter of chemistry! With the Moon in fluid and sentimental Pisces whatever you do today is based on intuition, not on logic; feelings are more important than facts.

Aspects of the Moon

Early in the morning the sextile that the romantic and introvert Moon forms with explosive and intense Pluto indicates an unexplained attraction, sweating, heartbeat and uncontrollable passion. In the afternoon the Moon meets reliable and practical Saturn and your decisions are governed by the criteria of duration, the bond you have with someone and the potential for success.

Venus in Leo

Summer loving! The presence of Venus in fiery Leo from today to 5th September launches a love feast. Summer love and strong love as well as your ego are the key players this summer. It's either your selfishness or your heart that brings the best in romance and finances. Expect glamorous love affairs and luxurious events, extravagance, glittery clothes, elation, and financial gains through entertainment.

You're lucky today if you are Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio of the second decan.

Irrespective of sign, Astrology.gr friend, you can have a great day if you dedicate in to the things that reveal your inner beauty or please your inner self.

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