What's in the Stars today, August 14?
With the Mars-Pluto sextile aspect, today you can delve into the secrets of the cosmos, power, psyche, regeneration and, of course, passion and love!

Moon in Aries
Spirited! An idea, an inspiration, a suggestion is all it takes for things to get going and for some action. Exercise everything: not only your body, but everything that can boost your daily routine, your relationships and your life.
Aspects of the Moon
The Moon is in the house of belligerent Mars forming a negative aspect with secretive Pluto at 10:53 causing conflicts, tension and a lot of uproar and racket. At 19:13 the bold and vibrant Moon in Aries meets sociable and progressive Uranus; you are swept away by friends, acquaintances and activities that have to do with technology or call for an open mind without prejudices.
Mars in applying sextile to Pluto
Passion! With dynamic and assertive Mars in Scorpio forming a positive aspect with powerful and intense Pluto, today you can delve into the secrets of the cosmos, power, psyche, regeneration and, of course, passion and love! Secret or investigative actions, changes at work, a financial fresh start and a strong sex drive are all possible.
Luck is on your side if you are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius of the second decan and Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces born at the end of the fist decan or the beginning of the second.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you can have a rewarding day if you have enthusiasm as your guide and courage and fortitude as your armour.