What's in the Stars today, August 17?
The positive aspect between Venus and Jupiter in glamorous Leo means that the spotlight is cast on love, weddings, happy events, financial deals, partnerships, gifts, beautiful entrances and everything that fills your heart with joy!

Moon in Taurus – waning from 15:25 onwards
Full of joy! The day is inundated with happy scenes, love, peace, melody, lovely smells and tastes and time passes happily or with you being assertive yet patient for your deepest wishes. Early in the afternoon the Moon begins to wane making this a good time to go on a diet and shed the pounds slowly and for good. Also, you are most likely to slow down your pace regarding financial or practical matters.
Venus in applying conjunction to Jupiter
Sunshine in your heart! The positive aspect between Venus and Jupiter makes an entrance and in combination with the fact that it takes place in glamorous Leo, the sign of grandeur and magnificence, it means that the spotlight is cast on love, weddings, happy events, financial deals, partnerships, gifts, beautiful entrances and everything that fills your heart with joy!
You are particularly lucky today if you are Leo, Sagittarius, Aries and Libra, Gemini, Aquarius of the first decan or Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn of the third decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, we will enjoy a great Sunday as long as your actions aren't passive or untimely but assertive, steady, careful and creative.