What's in the Stars today, September 27?
The time is right if you want to rekindle a relationship or renew a love affair, and to investigate something or do some soul searching...

Moon in Scorpio
Unless you've taken a fall, you'll never learn how to stand on your own two feet! The Moon has been in the water sign of emotional and powerful Scorpio since yesterday, reminding you that falling is part of life and getting up and moving on is what life is all about. Today, the part of your life which you feel the most strongly about or you are more passionate about due to fear, will be strengthened by the difficulties and the people you come across. Loving or hurtful, these encounters will eventually turn you into the man or woman you are destined to be.
Moon sextile Pluto at 14:25
Sexual fever! In the afternoon, the sexual and explosive Moon forms a favourable aspect with secretive and ritualistic Pluto; walls are crashed and passion rules. The time is right if you want to rekindle a relationship or renew a love affair, and to investigate something or do some soul searching.
Moon square Jupiter at 22:28
Incredible joy! Tonight the irresistible and dynamic Moon in Scorpio is in aspect with lucky and generous Jupiter: you may experience situations that are so attuned to your deepest desires that you feel as if you've found a genie in a bottle!
You are particularly lucky today if you are Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer born either at the end of the first decan or within the second decan.
Astrology.gr wishes you an exciting and wonderful weekend!