What's in the Stars today, September 29?

You will have a great day as long as you focus on the things you have, not the things you've lost; if you think about the possibilities ahead of you instead of the unattainable things...

What's in the Stars today, September 29?

Moon in Sagittarius

"When you contemplate, contemplate grand things. When you love, love deeply" is the motto of the Moon in Sagittarius. The sign's ruler is Jupiter, the planet of plenty, good fortune and expansion, so you've got every reason to try for something better in your life. The universe opens up the doors to learning, sport, adventure, travelling and fun. Walk through them!

Venus in Libra, 29/9 – 23/10
The key to a successful relationship is knowing when to give your partner some space! Today Venus moves into the sign of Libra where it will remain until 23/10. Under the influence of Venus in balance-bringing Libra you seek harmony and balance in your relationships. Therefore, your attention is drawn to your romantic relationship, marriage, a business partnership, agreements and social or friendly associations of every nature. Bear in mind that for a relationship to flourish, two things are necessary: to have things in common and to respect differences!

You're lucky today if you are Sagittarius, Leo or Aries of the first decan.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a great day as long as you focus on the things you have, not the things you've lost; if you think about the possibilities ahead of you instead of the unattainable things; if you remember that even the most challenging situations can become easier with a little love and laughter!

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