What's in the Stars today, September 30?

Keep in mind that your thoughts, words and feelings are determined by the five people you spend most of your time with...

What's in the Stars today, September 30?

Moon in Sagittarius void of course

Thinking is only a rehearsal before acting! The Moon in Sagittarius - after this morning's favourable aspect with Jupiter which brings joy, positive contacts and broadens your horizons – is travelling void of course all day! So, you can let your imagination free to visualise success in issues related to wellbeing, philosophy, justice, education, pleasant journeys, and foreign countries. Don't start anything yet, just explore them mentally.

Jupiter in Leo

The triumph of life is expressed through creativity! Jupiter - the planet that represents opportunities, good fortune and blessing - will be in radiant, proud and creative Leo until 11/8/2015. That indicates that the universe is giving you the opportunity to improve the skills you need to better express yourself and your beliefs. Also, to live a big romance, find happiness through children, and spend more time on creative outlets (sport, hobbies, entertainment). If you believe in your goals, you will be triumphant!

Luck is really on your side if you are Sagittarius, Aries, Leo or Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini of the second and third decans.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a beautiful day if you keep in mind that your thoughts, words and feelings are determined by the five people you spend most of your time with: the happier and more positive they are, the more optimistic you are!

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