What's in the Stars today, October 26?
The square the Moon forms with Neptune indicates that life becomes complicated and confusing when you go after things that don't really make you happy...

Moon in Sagittarius
Extra helpings! Today's Moon in Sagittarius is ruled by generous and cheerful Jupiter and helps this to be a great day. It reminds you that the adventure in life is to learn, the challenge is to surpass expectations, the purpose is to evolve and its beauty is to laugh and enjoy. The square the Moon forms with Neptune indicates that life becomes complicated and confusing when you go after things that don't really make you happy. So, don't do it and everything will go smoothly!
Mars in Capricorn
Your aims dictate your actions! From today to the 5th December, Mars – which symbolises actions and activities - will be in Capricorn, its astrological exaltation. During this time you should display discipline in order to reach your professional goals and beyond. With Mars in Capricorn, it doesn't matter where you are today but where determined persistence can get you tomorrow.
Venus in applying trine to Neptune
Drink from the fountain of happiness! In a time when the sky indicates sudden and horrible upheavals due to monstrous aspects, there are beautiful moments that can bring joy and happiness. Love, romance and artistic activities can be sources of joy and euphoria today.
You are particularly lucky if you are Sagittarius, Aries, Leo of the first decan or Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer of the first decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a wonderful day if you follow the advice of the cheerful, optimistic and positive Moon in Sagittarius and allow yourself to be merry.