What's in the Stars today, November 12?

With Neptune, the planet of miracles, artistic expression, hope, religiosity and spirituality in a favourable aspect to Mercury, the planet of communication becomes a bearer of good news!

What's in the Stars today, November 12?

Moon in Cancer – Moon in Leo

Out of your shell, into the limelight! The day begins with a romantic and tender mood when the Moon meets Venus in the morning. At 11:15 the Moon-Saturn trine applies the seal of perseverance when it comes to chores and housework, and favours contacts with older, highly-regarded women, well-known for their expertise. At 20:44 the Moon moves into extrovert, fiery and happy Leo and fun, joy and love claim your night.

Mercury trine Neptune

Wonderful ideas and promising messages! With Neptune, the planet of miracles, artistic expression, hope, religiosity and spirituality in a favourable aspect to Mercury, the planet of communication becomes a bearer of good news! Creative ideas, resourceful solutions, romantic dates and hot getaways.

Mars in applying square to Uranus and Venus conjunct Saturn

In a sudden, unexpected and karmic way! Under the influence of tomorrow's Mars-Uranus square, unexpected changes at the workplace are possible, twists in politics, and shocking events, particularly in relation to presidents and powerful people in general. Accidents, explosions, problems with computers, electricity, satellites and machines and engines in general. Meanwhile the Venus-Saturn conjunction marks karmic lessons when it comes to relationships and money management.

Luck is particularly on your side if you are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces of the first and third decans.

Astrology.gr wishes you a beautiful, positive, pleasant day full of happy moments!

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