What's in the Stars today, November 13?
Fortunately, from the evening onwards, the positive aspect of the Moon with Uranus makes room for positive ideas and favours cheerful activities with other people.

Moon in Leo
Don't allow anyone to walk all over your heart with their ugly negative thoughts, not even your self! The day begins with the optimistic Leo Moon in a square with Mercury in dark Scorpio. So, while you really want to do things you like or that will help you achieve something you want, you are undermined by negative thoughts or news. Fortunately, from the evening onwards, the positive aspect of the Moon with Uranus makes room for positive ideas and favours cheerful activities with other people.
Mars square Uranus
Sudden falls and abrupt changes! Unforeseen and unexpected actions will take you by surprise or upset current circumstances, especially regarding work or people in authority. You should be extra cautious with whatever has to do with engines, the Internet, computers, electricity, airplanes. Expect faults, explosions, short circuits, power cuts, accidents, extreme weather conditions, landslides and strong winds.
Venus conjunct Saturn
If someone really wants to be part of your life, they should make a serious effort – without excuses and exceptions! The aspect between Venus (relationships) and Saturn (limitations, respect) is a contradictory one that can be both positive and negative; while it lasts you can win someone for the rest of your life or learn an important lesson in life! It all depends on your experience and on whether there is mutual respect and perseverance. Financial issues need your attention.
Sun in an applying square to Jupiter
Be happy, but don't get carried away! There could be positive developments regarding matters and people linked to romance and finances as well as cases of life and death, or those that are secret, spiritual or puzzling. Don't allow them to blow up your expectations. Go for restrained optimism.
You are lucky today if you are Leo, Sagittarius, Aries of the first or second decan.
Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, you will have a wonderful day as long as you don't try to build a new relationship on the same ground where a previous one collapsed!