What's in the Stars today, November 20?

Mercury in determined Scorpio in an applying sextile to methodical Mars in Capricorn these days enables you to turn your thoughts or contacts in the right direction regarding finances and sex...

Moon in Scorpio

Trust your instincts when the alarm bell rings! At 07:30 the Moon moves into the powerful sign of Scorpio and your antennae are picking up signals hidden to other people throughout the day. Don't ignore them! Expect secret affairs, puzzling cases, undisclosed contacts, forbidden romance and passionate love scenes.

Venus square Neptune

Today it's easy to cheat; the challenge is to remain faithful! Betrayal, unfaithfulness and romantic pipe-dreams take you on a rollercoaster of deception. However, the negative aspect that Neptune forms today symbolises cheating when it comes to love (Venus), therefore if something looks tempting, it doesn't necessarily mean it's the real thing. At the same time, avoid purchases, bargains or dealings, particularly those that look too good to be true. You are attracted to festivals, cultural events and artistic performances, especially with an international appeal.

Mercury in applying sextile to Mars

You can achieve whatever you set your mind to! Mercury in determined Scorpio in an applying sextile to methodical Mars in Capricorn these days enables you to turn your thoughts or contacts in the right direction regarding finances and sex. Also, make sure you put into good use ideas or knowledge that can bring a positive outcome in matters of career, recognition and esteem or in problems with bones or teeth.

Luck is particularly on your side if you are Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces of the first decan.

Irrespective of sign, astrology.gr friend, some things can't be hidden. Trust your instincts! Don't ignore it!

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